Hello families,

This is a reminder that the children all now need all their winter gear. I know the snow has yet to fall, but there is frost on the ground and the snow pants keep out the wet and the coldness during our early morning outdoor activities. Please find the time this week to double-check that your child has snow pants, waterproof gloves without fingers, hat and a warm waterproof jacket, warm waterproof boots. I find, if at all possible, second-hand gear that can be left at daycare is best. If one child forgets their jacket or pants the whole group can’t go outdoors that day. We use winter gear daily and it does get dirty and well worren. As much as the weather permits it, I take the children outside over the winter. Even if it takes longer to put our gear on, than it does for the time we spend outside LOL. Please remember we need waterproof, washable and durable gear sorted out this week.

Thank you Megan