Good afternoon families,

Yesterday I got quite ill in the evening, after daycare. I assumed it was what my daughter had which passed quickly, it did, but this morning I was feeling quite rough. However all the kids were great and we got through just fine;)

So after breakfast and drop offs the kids played for a bit while I cleaned up and then I got them dressed and we headed it outside. They played really well and until it started to rain and then we ran back in.

After that we had snack and got ready for naptime. So although it was a simple morning it was nice because they got lots of outdoor time.

I’ll be getting them up shortly for lunch

This afternoon we’ll finish up our winter Banner, hang that. And I have a few indoor things to do if it continues to rain.

So despite a sluggish start to our day we had a good one!

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in almond milk with banana cinnamon and vanilla. Strawberries on the side.

Snack: crackers with cheese, yogurt and carrots with dip

Lunch: tuna sandwiches, with veggies and dip.