Good afternoon families, I apologize last week’s post did not happen. I had a series of issues at nap times.

However today the kids seem to have all settled in nicely.

The weather this morning is wet and raining so we stayed inside. After drop off and breakfast. We did drawings play with Play-Doh, the babies and older kids are really enjoying the new space in the daycare area. They were dressing up and playing chasing games and playing with all the new toys most of the morning. We also did Circle time: today was the number 5 the color was orange. Janet and little Evelyn even joined in:)

We read books called Batman plays football & Berenstain Bears Go To School.

This afternoon if it is still miserable out I think I’ll get started on our winter Banner for the daycare. I roll out a big piece of paper and the girls and I paint and draw things that remind us of winter time we cover it with sparkles and hang it on the wall;)

Today’s menu

Breakfast: yogurt with granola, half a banana and strawberries

Snack: cottage cheese and rice crackers with a whole mandarin orange

Lunch: potato egg cheese and tomato casserole. Homemade mashed potatoes line the bottom, and then I put egg on top of that, layer on some fresh cut large tomato slices and covered with cheese.