September Meals 2017

Closed September 1st to 4th. Long weekend.


September 5th


Breakfast: oatmeal cooked with banana almond milk cinnamon and vanilla. Also had apple slices on the side


Snack: mixed veggie with veggie dip and crackers + cheese


Lunch: grill cheese on whole wheat with tomato soup.


Sept 6

Breakfast this morning was scrambled eggs with whole wheat buttered toast and slices of oranges

Snack time was broccoli and cauliflower with a sour cream veggie dip. I also made all the kids Smoothies that had spinach banana mixed berries Blended

Lunch: At lunch time we will have tuna and cheese wraps.


Sept 7th

Breakfast: yogurt with granola and one half a banana with their milk.

Snack: cauliflower broccoli and carrots with dip. Crackers and cheese

Lunch: will be chicken rice carrots onions and mushroom stir-fry.


September 8


Breakfast: similar to yesterday yogurt with granola and banana

Snack: tortilla chips with homemade guacamole for dipping. A few slices of cheese and some sandwich meat.

Lunch: spaghetti with homemade sauce and cheese




September 11


Breakfast: yogurt and granola with orange slices

Snack: variety of veggies and dip with tortilla chips and a homemade hummus.

Lunch: beef and cheese sandwiches on whole wheat bread with a homemade quinoa and bulgur wheat salad.


September 12


Breakfast: oatmeal cooked with banana almond milk cinnamon and vanilla. Also had apple slices on the side

Snack mixed veggies dipped in homemade hummus along with some tortilla chips

Lunch: beef wraps with rice and peppers and quinoa, bulgur wheat salad on the side


September 13

Breakfast: yogurt granola and orange slices

Snack: mixed veggies with homemade hummus dip. Cottage cheese and a veggie cracker

Lunch: homemade mashed potato roast beef and carrots.


September 14th


Breakfast: scrambled eggs with whole wheat buttered toast and orange slices

Snack: mixed veggies with the last of the homemade hummus crackers and homemade pork bites.

Lunch: pasta with Italian sausage and homemade from the garden tomato sauce


September 15th


Breakfast: oatmeal with mashed banana almond milk cinnamon. Today I ran out of another kind of fruit so they also have banana on the side.

Snack: we picked the last of the not hot red peppers and a few steak tomatoes. I sliced these up and put some feta on them for the kids to have at snack time. They also had some crackers and yogurt along with that.

Lunch: spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce and carrots with dip.




September 18th


Breakfast: scrambled eggs with homemade potato hash browns and half a banana

Snack: yogurt, blueberries, mixed veggies and dip

Lunch: roast beef sandwich with cheese on whole wheat, with spinach and cucumber


September 19th


Breakfast: oatmeal with banana cinnamon vanilla and almond milk. Blueberries as a side.

Snack: yogurt and fresh cut strawberries with mixed veggies.

Lunch: homemade roast chicken stew with potatoes onions and carrots in a homemade brooth and whole wheat bread buttered on the side


September 20th


Breakfast: yogurt granola and strawberries

Snack: roast beef all cheddar cheese crackers and mixed veggies with dressing.

Lunch: homemade pizza with not hot peppers


September 21st


Breakfast: oatmeal with blended banana almond milk cinnamon and vanilla on the side they had banana and apple slices.

Snack: today was a special treat we barbecued an extra fish for them last night. This is fresh caught salmon from the Pacific Ocean that my husband caught on his fishing trip a few weeks ago. They had slices of the salmon with veggies and a side of barbecued squash.

Lunch: eggs noodles with homemade from the garden tomato sauce and cheese topping.


September 22nd


Breakfast: scrambled eggs on whole wheat toast with butter and jam. They also had strawberries.

Snack: we finished up the last of that barbecued salmon, mixed veggies with dip. And a side of blueberries.

Lunch: homemade chicken stew with a homemade broth it had carrots onions potatoes garlic spices and chicken.




September 25th


Breakfast:yogurt topped with granola and half a banana

Snack: ham slices crackers cheese carrots with dip

Lunch: rice beef peppers in a wrap with broccoli and dip


September 26th


Breakfast: French toast made with whole wheat bread sprinkled with cinnamon. Served with a side of blueberries.

Snack: sliced ham crackers and mixed veggies with dip

Lunch:tuna sandwich on whole wheat with tomato soup.


September 27th


Breakfast: homemade oatmeal cooked in almond milk cinnamon and vanilla. Bananas blended in and a side of sliced apples

Snack: mixed veggies with Ranch dressing yogurt and crackers

Lunch: slow-cooked chicken potatoes and carrots


September 28th


Breakfast: oatmeal and granola with half a banana and blueberries


Snack: ham slices with cheese & crackers mixed veggies.


Lunch: leftover roast chicken potatoes and carrots with gravy from yesterday.


September 29th

Breakfast: yogurt with a side of plum slices. Whole wheat toast with butter and jam


Snack: candied smoked salmon, this fish is still the wild caught fish from my husband’s fishing trip. We had quite a lot of it smoked and candied it’s really delicious and the kids seem to be enjoying it. Crackers and mixed veggies with dip. And a side of blueberries.


Lunch: chicken sandwiches on whole wheat with cheese. Cucumber as a side.

